
May 2024
Dear Students, Staff, and Families,
We have arrived in our final month of our current school year, and in many ways we wonder how the time passed so quickly! We have been involved in teaching and learning since late August, and our students have had strong instruction, valuable experiences, and marvelous opportunities to learn across all classrooms. Our students have excelled. Our students have persevered. Our students have grown and been engaged in their learning. And I have personally witnessed our students and staff enjoying their days together. There is a wonderful learning environment in our buildings, and I am appreciative and proud of our programs here in LASD.
The end of a school year also ushers in the planning for the coming academic year, which will begin on Monday August 19 for staff and Thursday, August 22 for all students. Not being a person to wish away summer, I do know full well it will arrive quickly!  Our summer days in the district include major projects at both the Pawling Complex and our High School. We are excited to be improving athletic facilities at both campuses. We also have major projects for the Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School with new internal wiring of the entire building and restoration roofing work being completed. These projects will enhance our facilities and support continued and future learning and achievement.
Not as readily visible, but integral to our operations, we have been working throughout this current year on our newest iteration of the District’s Comprehensive Plan. This written plan encompasses goals and priorities that enhance our strengths and confront our challenges. We have sought input from staff, students, parents, and community in our work, and we will continue to refine the plan and its component reports for public viewing and School Board approval in July.  The plan is intended to be a blueprint for the ensuing three years, guiding our ongoing work.
We continue to work with our Green Dragon Foundation in support of many worthwhile endeavors in the district, and we always appreciate their good work on our behalf. They assist us in providing resources to enhance academics, co-curricular activities, field trips and student conferences, and extra-curricular programs. We will make wonderful use of the Dragons’ Den facility for many years to come and appreciate their tireless work with this project on our behalf.
In closing this post, I again want to harken back to a theme I shared in our annual convocation when academic year 2023-20204 began. Utilizing a simple phrase, “Better Together,” I called upon the staff to use our collective talents and strengths, and encouraged our best collegial and collaborative work in our shared commitment to our students. Now, as we celebrate the completion of our academic year, I happily reiterate, we have indeed  been “Better Together.

Ms. Cathy Moser
[email protected]

Superintendent's (Mrs. Moser) Goals 2023-2024

Superintendent's (Mrs. Moser) Evaluation 2022-2023

Assistant-Superintendent's (Mr. Hoover) Goals 2023-2024

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